The 1st

Lombok International Conference on Sciences, Technology, Environment and Mathematics

(LICoSTEM 2024)

Scientific Insight to Drive Technological Breakthroughs for Environment and a Sustainable Future

The world has successfully passed the covid-19 pandemic which lasted for more than 3 years. This success leaves several problems not only in the health sector, but in the field of fulfilling basic human needs such as clothing, food and infrastructure. Maximum recovery efforts must continue to be carried out by increasing scientific insight to encourage technological breakthroughs for a sustainable environment and future. Therefore, the implementation of scientific collaboration between science and technology is realized in the conference The 1st Lombok International Conference on Science, Technology, Environmental and Mathematics (LiCoSTEM 2024). The conference raises sub-themes from various disciplines including science, mathematics, technology and the application for world sustainability and better future.

• October, 30th - 31st, 2024 •

• Keynote Speakers •

Institute For Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science,

Universiti Putra Malaysia,


Department of Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Narcotics,

National Institute of Health Sciences,

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,


The Centre for High-Energy Physics,

Kyungpook National Univesity,

Republic of Korea

School of Chemistry,

Monash University,


• Invited Speakers •

Center for Southeast Asian Studies,

Kyoto University,


Departement of Biology,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural


University of Mataram,


Departement of Chemistry,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural


University of Mataram,


Department of Master of Mathematics,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

University of Jember,


Department of Physics,

Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan,


• Conference Scope •

  1. Material Sciences, Organic chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Oleo Chemistry, Polymer and Engineering, Biochemistry, Natural Product, Food Technology, and Computational Chemistry,

  2. Algebra Combinatorics, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Data Analysis, Computer Sciences, Graph Theory, Game Theory, and Actuarial,

  3. Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Environmental Pollution, Remediations, Environmental Modelling, Conservation and Natural Resources, Risk Environmental Analysis, Occupational Safety and Health, Environmental Education Community Empowerment, and Green Energy,

  4. Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Bio-prospectives, Biology Molecular, Ecotourism, and Microbiology,

  5. Medical Physics, Instrumentation and Embedded System, Geophysics, Material Physics, Theorotical and Computational Physics.

• Registration and Template

• Submission

Please submit your full paper in accordance with the provided template!

For poster presenters, please provide an X-stand banner with a height of 160 cm and a width of 60 cm complete with an X-stand frame.

• Publication Fee •

Indonesian Online Offline
General author IDR 400.000 IDR 1.250.000
Student author IDR 250.000 IDR 1.000.000
Poster IDR 1.000.000
Additional paper IDR 250.000 IDR 500.000
Participant IDR 100.000 IDR 500.000
General Author USD 60 USD 130
Poster USD 130
Additional paper USD 30 USD 50
Student author USD 50 USD 100
Participant USD 20 USD 50
Proceeding Conference USD 200
IDR 2.500.000
USD 200
IDR 2.500.000

Payment by Wire Transfer :

Bank name : PT. Bank Mandiri Persero
Account Number : 161-00-11857237
Account name/beneficiary : Bulqis Nebulla Syechah
Address : Jl. AA Gde Ngurah No. 48 A-B Cakranegara, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
Country : Indonesia

• Important Dates •

Activities Date
Abstract Submission End September 30th, 2024
Acceptance October 5th, 2024
Regular Payment September 30th, 2024
Full Paper Submission End October 27th, 2024
Conference Date October 30th, 2024
Field Trip October 31st, 2024

Conference will be held

in online and on-site (Hybrid)

Offline Venue : Merumatta Lombok Senggigi Hotel
Address : Jalan Pantai Senggigi, Senggigi, Kecamatan Batu Layar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia 83355

Keynote speakers may choose an online or onsite presentation

Selected paper will be published in :

  1. IOP conference proceeding indexed by Scopus

  2. Indonesian Physical Review (Sinta 2), link :

  3. Jurnal Rekayasa Ilmiah dan Biosistem (JRPB) (Sinta 2), link :

We'd love to see you there!

Location Merumatta Senggigi Lombok

Jalan Pantai Senggigi, Senggigi, Kec. Batu Layar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83355

• Contact Person

  1. Mamika Ujianita Romdhini (Chairman)
  2. Cp. 0818-0366-4550 (WA),
    email :
  3. Saprini Hamdiani (Secretary)
  4. Cp. 0818-0529-0602 (WA),
    email :

© LiCoSTEM 2024